Title: The Moonlight of My Heart Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: romance, angst, apocalypse!au Rating: pg-13 Length: 1.3k Warning:[Spoiler (click to open)]mentions of minor char!death, char!death Summary: It starts with a radio. Note: Based on this post. This is the song used in the story. Comments are appreciated!
Title: I Was Always Freezing (Now I'm Covered In Snow) Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: angst, slight!romance, Coffee Prince!au Rating: pg Length: 2.5k Summary: There will never be a right place or a right time to meet Do Kyungsoo.
Title: From The Bottom Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: angst, romance Length: 2k Rating: nc-17 Warnings:[Spoiler (click to open)] mentions of drug use, mentions of sex
Summary: From the bottom of my heart. Based on Tablo's From The Bottom
Title: Playing Into The Game Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: angst, smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 3.8k Summary: Everything Kyungsoo does is because Jongin wants it. His life is one great instead, but everyone cracks eventually.